What age should I take my child to the dentist for the first time?
It is recommended that you take your children for their first dental appointment when they are around six months old. If you notice that your children have discolored teeth, you will want to bring them in before this.
What should I use to clean my baby’s teeth?
Any soft-bristled toothbrush with a small head. There are ones designed specially for infants that are perfect to use at bedtime.
What should I do if my child has a toothache?
First, you will want to rinse the irritated area with warm water and place a cold compress on your child’s face it if is swollen. You can give your child acetaminophen for the pain. Once you do this, make sure that you see your dentist as soon as possible.
How can I prevent decay caused by nursing?
Try to avoid nursing children to sleep or putting anything other than water in their bedtime bottle. Also, make sure that you learn and teach your children the proper way to floss and brush at a young age. Taking your children to the dentist regularly to have their teeth checked will help them learn lifelong habits.